Canterbury, NH Building Needs Committee - 2001

Minutes of Meeting
– August 7, 2002–
(as reported by Secretary Billie Richert)



Meeting August 7, 2002 at 7:00 PM at Canterbury Town Hall


Kent Ruesswick, Chairman

Kevin Bragg – Historical District Commission
Mike Capone – Selectmen representative
Charlie Cook
Bob Fife
Ken Jordan
Ginger LaPlante – Historical District Commission
Billie Richert
Jeremy Slayton


Mike reviewed with the Committee his conversation with the Department of Revenue Administration concerning the $80,000 original warrant available to the Town for its building needs. Mike commented that the cost of the proposed water system is part of the $80,000 original warrant, up to $10,000.

Kent reviewed the Town’s proposed water system that is currently below ground level.

Kent stated that the proposed water system would be a commercial grade system costing between $6,000 and $8,000 at the high end. This cost includes: raising the well head; installing a submersible pump costing $800; extending wall casing above ground level; installing a filtration system; moving everything (?) and checking flow rate which may need to be resized after installing the new system.

Committee members concurred that this made sense to do and a recommendation to purchase the new water system was put to vote and was passed unanimously.

Mike stated he would contact folks for the new water system.

Discussion then ensued about the possibility of the Town acquiring approximately five (5) acres from a Canterbury resident, Mr. Dick Robinson, whose property abuts the town center. This land appears to be a good investment for the Town and would provide the additional acreage needed for the new town center design. Kent agreed to meet with Mr. Robinson to discuss in general terms his willingness to sell the acreage to the Town. Recommendation to Town selectmen would then be in order. Kent asked for a vote and the Committee agreed unanimously that Kent should contact Mr. Robinson.

Kent then introduced the Sheerr McCrystal Palson (SMP) proposal for discussion. Everyone then had a chance to review the initial plan ‘concept only’ proposal received from SMP.

Cost for the proposed work is $12,000. It is the Committee’s understanding that this cost will be covered by $10,000 from the original warrant and the remaining $2,000 from the Committee’s current year budget.

Committee reviewed the process to date of meeting with three (3) architectural firms and that Sheerr’s approach made the most sense. Kent indicated that it was necessary to understand the information the Committee needed to obtain for SMP. Kent agreed to discuss with SMP the need to walk the Town’s property lines; provide property contour lines to SMP; and to confirm how often the Committee members are to meet with SMP personnel. The Committee then discussed how information will be communicated to and obtained by SMP. Kent stated that he would ask about the interface between the Committee and SMP during the information gathering process.

Ken moved to accept proposal and to include proposal as part of the meeting’s minutes.

Jeremy seconded. All Committee members approved.

Kent then discussed the work proposed for Town Hall that includes heating, addition, roof repairs and painting. Kent agreed to discuss with SMP about including the review of this proposed work on Town Hall and that he will try to have SMP at next meeting.

Kent said he would have budget numbers for this work at next meeting. Ken stated that bids for work need to be obtained by September 1 to insure work for heating and roof repairs are completed before winter.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m.


The Committee agreed to meet again in one week, August 14, 2002, at Town Hall.


Scherr McCrystal Palson proposal dated July 25, 2002.

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