Canterbury, NH Building Needs Committee - 2001

Minutes of Meeting
– December 10, 2002–
(as reported by Secretary Billie Richert)



Meeting December 10, 2002 at 7:00 PM at the Parish House


Kent Ruesswick, Chairman

Mike Capone – Selectmen representative
Charlie Cook
Bob Fife
Ken Jordan
Ginger LaPlante – Historical District Commission
Billie Richert
Jeremy Slayton
Ted West

Eric Paulson, Sheerr McCrystal Palson (SMP)
Steve Atherton, Cobb Hill Construction (CHC)


Chairman called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. by stating the Committee members were happy with the plans we’ve been working on and asked Mike if the selectmen had had a chance to review the Committee’s recommendation to engage CHC as the construction manager. Mike replied the selectmen accepted the Committee’s recommendation. Steve indicated he would have an AIA 121 Form (standard contract) made up for the Town.

Eric then reviewed the plans for each building and asked questions about materials and systems that impact cost to help Steve ask more detailed questions about roofs, windows, etc. Eric indicated that cost numbers developed would be based on expectations and there was a need to discuss schedule and to prepare for warrant article to be written.

Mike indicated that a mid-January deadline for Steve to submit project cost numbers would allow enough time for scheduling public hearings. Steve responded that he could have numbers for the Committee by the end of December. Kent asked Steve if he can have numbers before Christmas and Steve send he would email to Jeremy an Excel spreadsheet following the format of the Project Budget Analysis form being distributed by Eric. Kent stated the spreadsheet would then be distributed to the Committee members.

Eric then distributed blank copies of the Project Budget Analysis form that is used by SMP to detail project costs broken down by primary categories:

Land – such as survey, topo, legal fees for deeds, test pits
Soft Costs – such as architectural fees, site engineering, engineering
Construction – such as soil testing, site work, landscaping
Furniture, Fixtures and Equipment – such as phone, computer, security, moving, and furniture

Eric explained that using this form to write down what is known is useful; and sometimes it helps to put numbers down for total or range and then work up the detail cost items.

Eric asked if a performance bond is required and Mike replied yes. Steve indicated the cost of a performance bond is usually 1 _ percent of the total project.

Eric indicated that the Life Safety Building construction is held to a higher standard in case of hurricane, tornadoes, earthquakes, etc.

Bob asked how many years do you come back to adjust doors, windows, etc.

Steve replied one year and each manufacturer has own warranty and guarantee. At the end of eleven months, CHC will write a letter to the Town to make sure everything is ok before end of one-year timeframe. Steve also stated there is a term “substantial completion” that requires defining and is included in the contract. The term covers such things as completion of a “punch list” and date of occupancy. Eric indicated that substantial completion must occur at the Life Safety Building before other buildings.

Ginger then asked about settling and Steve replied this occurs fairly quickly.

Eric then used the Project Budget Analysis document to review detail items with the Committee. This document allows for a base cost budget plus alternate costing for optional items.

Eric noted that it costs more to move books if you put them in the right place and that as a rule of thumb this cost is $1 per book. This requires extra effort on library personnel.

Eric stated that landscaping is an area where costs can be deferred, but the Committee needs to determine which decisions can be changed in future and which ones cannot; for example, smaller ducts can’t be changed later on unless ceilings are ripped out, etc. Steve commented that prices for concrete and lumber could usually be locked in early in the project.

Discussion ensued about the total cost of the anticipated project. Mike explained that there is a legal limit of three (3) percent of the Town’s assessed valuation that must be considered when requesting a bond issue and this amount must be calculated each year as existing bond amounts are paid down.

Eric then explained one significant way to reduce costs is to make a building smaller; for example, in the proposed library, a section can be walled off if necessary. Generally speaking, though, if you aren’t going to finish a phase now, don’t start it, otherwise additional costs are incurred in multiple-phased projects.

Eric again reviewed the proposed design with the Committee to help Steve develop cost numbers:

Life Safety Building
Standard drywall
Little extra cost in reception desk – use stainable wood
Shingle roof – not a metal roof that costs more in installation
Clapboard siding – semplank siding, not wood; 50 year guarantee;
comparable to wood
Use of good standard materials in bathrooms
A few extra things in cells for security
A lot of overhead doors – insulated and heated
Porch is nice feature – can be cut if there are budget issues
Site costs – how much is paved – assume all – can cut back
Can reduce number of windows
There will be a side door in fire department
18” overhang in front of building
Gutters, if wanted, can be installed later

Can supply numbers for furniture
Raise floor to level
Use existing roof
Covered walkway

Police Department Building (existing)
Two separate levels right now per Kent
Eric asked about roof – Kent stated he assumed it is ok.

Preliminary Site Plan
Eric asked how much do we want to show for pavement. It was decided to remove the pond and proposed road through to Hackleboro road from the presented drawings (plan) and that Eric would replace with a hammerhead or loop drive behind proposed library. Eric suggested having a landscaping allowance for the library.

Eric asked about heating systems and Kent replied that existing Fire Department’s system is forty (40) years old. Ted asked about radiant heat and that this can save money over time but the initial cost is high.

Eric responded that radiant heat is very appropriate for the library and that this can be priced as an alternate. However, a back-up system such as forced air is still required.

Schedule for next meeting was discussed. Ken suggested that the Committee meet next week to discuss future presentations in preparation of Town Meeting.

Kent asked that the Committee meet again next Tuesday, December 17th, at 7:00 p.m. at Sam Lake House. In the meantime, numbers received from CHC will be distributed by Kent and Jeremy to appropriate parties.

The Chairman adjourned the meeting at 8:30 p.m.


7:00 p.m., Tuesday, December 17, 2002 at Sam Lake House.

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